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Yandelora School

Yandelora School

We Connect, We Create, We Celebrate Success, We are a Community

Telephone02 4648 0057


SkoolBag & SeeSaw

SeeSaw & Skoolbag

At Yandelora School we are committed to providing the best experience possible for connecting with our families and community informing what take place internally and externally of the classroom. In line with our school vision we want to celebrate student success and learning as much as possible.

To meet this expectation we use a suite of software platforms that help up connect and communicate with our parent and local community. All these options are completely free at no cost to you. If you have any questions please contact our office so a technical representative can support you.

SeeSaw is a learning content delivery system and can be used as a remote learning tool. It allows students to share their work and accomplishments back to home in an effective, secure, and reliable manner. Parents use the SeeSaw Family app to view content sent from their classroom teacher, respond to classroom messages, and receive school wide announcements.

At the commencement of each year classroom teachers will send our a QR code which can be used to link your child’s learning portfolio to the app. This is at no cost to you regardless of the number of users that use the QR code.

Whilst a robust communication tool this does not replace our use of the physical communication books that go to and from school each day in student’s bags. The purpose of the content sent is to celebrate student learning and growth on a platform that is secure.

In 2020 and 2021 we utilised the SeeSaw program to deliver online activities to families in our Learning from Home program (LFH). In the event of a similar disruption to a student’s learning this solution offers a way for students to recommence their learning away from the school setting in a variety of scenarios (natural disaster or medical).

If you would like more information about what SeeSaw can do for you and have questions on how to install the application, please follow the link https://web.seesaw.me/families

Skoolbag is a communication application that we use to keep you informed about the activities, events and updates within the school. There is no cost to you as a user at all and is completely free.

While we use the application SeeSaw to promote and support our students in communicating the learning they do, Skoolbag is intended in its design for communication of events, notices and important information regarding Yandelora School as a whole.

Skoolbag inherently does all this while also providing the option to submit queries, send through notes to explain absences and complete custom forms. In addition our fortnightly newsletters are published online using Skoolbag and their release is communicated through the application.

If you need support installing the application please click on the download link below.