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We Connect, We Create, We Celebrate Success, We are a Community
T: Telephone02 4648 0057
Our school was established in 2019 and has over 100 students within 16 classes. Our students range from Kindergarten to Year 12 and all facilities are purpose built to meet the needs of students with moderate to severe intellectual and physical disabilities.
We seek to promote our students as creators, courageous, connected and a vital part of our local community. We seek to celebrate their successes every day and have high expectations of student grownth and development.
This area is to showcase the various programs we run at school to support student learning and growth. Our programs run extensively on a whole school basis with regular training and development for our staff.
We seek to be a vital member of the local community in all we do. Our students are important members of our community and we use seek regular engagements with our to maintain this connection
20 Jun 2022
Please see in the link below the agenda for the week 10 Parent Support Group.
If you have any concerns or queries please make a call to our office staff and they will be happy to answer them
Executive Team - Yandelora School
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