Yandelora School

We Connect, We Create, We Celebrate Success, We are a Community

Telephone02 4648 0057


EASTER RAFFLE - Drawn on Wednesday the 5th of April 2023

Happy Easter in scrabble tiles on a background

The P&C needs your help to hold an Easter raffle in

Please provide donations of Easter eggs, Easter toys or any
Easter related products by Friday 31/3/2023

Tickets will sell for $1 each or 5 for $4
Attached is a booklet of 5 tickets per family
Please return the booklet to school with correct change by

Monday 3/4/23

If you would prefer not to sell tickets, please return the booklet to school
If you would like additional tickets to sell please ask the school office for extra

The raffle will be drawn on
Wednesday the 5th of April 2023


Thank you for your support

P & C Committee