23 Nov 2023

We are excited to announce the program for the Yandelora School Presentation Day 2023 held in the school hall on Tuesday the 28th of November. Please find attached a copy though on the day there will be physical copies for you to take.
Please be aware of some important things on the day:
Safety Information
At the conclusion of today’s proceedings there will be a 5-minute period where our gates will be closed to ensure the safety of our students transitioning back to their classes. Please be mindful of this and ensure if you need to leave urgently you seek out a staff member to assist you prior to or after this safety precaution.
Taking your child home
If you are taking your child home after the event you need to please take your child to the front office to be marked as leaving. Staff have been requested to direct parents to the front office for any children leaving after the event.
Lyrebird Café
We would like to invite all our parents, families, community members and dignitaries to remain after the conclusion of the Presentation Day and access coffee, tea, and light snacks from the Yandelora School Lyrebird Café. Students from our high school hospitality program will be on hand to serve you over near the school library.