Yandelora School

We Connect, We Create, We Celebrate Success, We are a Community

Telephone02 4648 0057


School Behaviour Support and Management Plan

Behaviour Code for Students

NSW public schools are committed to providing safe, supportive and responsive learning environments for everyone. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students.

The Behaviour Code for Students can be found at https://education.nsw.gov.au/policy-library/policyprocedures/pd-2006-0316/pd-2006-0316-01. This document translated into multiple languages is available here: Behaviour code for students.

Whole school approach across the care continuum

In accordance with CESE’s (Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation) recommendations, our trauma informed approach involved (with appropriate adjustments

1.    Incorporating daily well-being check-ins into every classroom

2.    Providing a safe place in every classroom where all students are free to access when feeling dysregulated

3.    Teaching all students and staff about how their brain and bodies react to stress.

4.    Teaching staff and students strategies to assist them to calm down and return to baseline.

5.    Support students through planned co-regulation strategies.

6.    Embedding relational strategies into the curriculum to foster relationship building, including brain breaks.