22 May 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,
We are looking forward to the return of most of our students on Monday. Over the last few days I have spoken to many families about returning to full time face to face learning at Yandelora School. We understand that some students are vulnerable and remind families of those children to please send in medical certificates supporting the children staying at home.
The online learning will cease on Monday. For children at home for any length of time we are able to send some work home, however you will not have the regular daily lessons that have been appearing on the SeeSaw app over the last few weeks.
At this point in time we are still unable to have external visitors to the school. We remind you that there should only be 2 adults in the office foyer at any time to help us to maintain social distancing amongst adults. At the moment we are sadly unable to have our parent group or volunteers in the school. School assemblies are on hold for now, and interschool activities are not able to be conducted for this period of time.
We have also decided that external therapy providers will be unable to attend the school until term 3. While we appreciate the significant value these programs provide for the students we feel the number of therapists we can have in the school at any one time breeches the social distancing protocol amongst adults. If your child needs to attend therapy during school hours I will happily support you picking them up and taking them to therapy.
Please remember social distancing between adults for those of you who bring your children to school. Try and remain 1.5m from other adults and be prompt in collecting your children and returning to your vehicles in the afternoon.
Children who are unwell must be kept home. This helps us to prevent the spread of any illness amongst the school. If we feel that a child has become unwell at school, if they begin to sneeze, cough, develop a high temperature or a runny nose we will separate the child from other students and ask that you come and collect your child from school.
Additional hygiene and cleaning services have been provided to the school as well as a large number of resources for helping to keep our beautiful school clean and safe. All handrails, students work surfaces, bathrooms and all high touch points are cleaned multiple times a day.
I look forward to seeing all the students on Monday the staff are excited to see them return and to re-establish class and school routines.
If you have any questions please call the school to discuss your queries at any time.
Stay warm over what looks like it is going to be a very cold wintery weekend
Warm Regards